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Instead of locking threads that go off topic, the offending posts should be deleted so the thread can stay open.

Travis The Dragon

Power Poster
Nov 3, 2016
Minnesota, USA
Minnesota, USA
There have been a number of threads that have either been locked or threatened to be locked by a mod/admin for going off topic. Well, as the title suggests, why not delete the off topic posts so the thread can remain open?
threatened to be locked by a mod/admin for going off topic.
There always reopend. What we do is lock the thread to let people cool off if there is a fight or give members time to gather themselves back ontop topic. After 12-24 hours the thread is unlocked.

No threads are permanently locked because it went off topic. At least not since I became staff & dedicated moderator this year. It's only temporary to get a handle on it or for people to cool off.
why not delete the off topic posts
I personally never delete off topic posts unless they break rules like personal attacks, very rare for me to do so given how active we are & generally the community is doing a fine job keeping things on track mostly..

Everyone should know I am usually very proactive in creating threads for pop up off topic convos. Heck did it today with the thread "DWS Staff Individual Opinions" which was a off topic convo started in the China-Taiwan | 2022 thread.
No threads are permanently locked because it went off topic.
Now granted there have been times where we have locked threads because members have gotten into verbal fights and we scrub the personal attacks and lock the thread for the members to cool off or duke it out in private. We choose this option a lot 99% of time instead of banning people.

To keep things fair we do not call out our members personally by nickname in such regard so we don't announce who or why in reason the thread is locked in these cases. But after sometime has passed & members in question cool off the thread is unlocked.

So you may have seen this a couple times where threads are locked and no real reason is given. The forums are not where public grievances are made against members or staff. We deal with it in house. It is distracting to the forums.
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