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Key government agency acknowledges Biden's win and begins formal transition


Biden has been officially elected without ANY doubt. There is literally not a single thing Trump can do now to change even a single thing. Biden won and the more people realized this the better.

I feel sorry for people who believe the hog wash he spits out, just shows how weak minded you are and I am sorry for you.

Please avoid using insulting terminology in your posts. Your first paragraph was fine, but your final sentence was unnecessary.

This country's political divide has been getting more and more hostile over the past two decades, and statements like that do not help. Be part of the healing process, not the continuing hostility.
There is one interesting scenario left that came to my mind.

What would happen , if the elected president dies, before his official confirmation and/or his oath of office?
Also, does this prevent Trump from still trying to fight the results and take things to court? Or does it mean that Trump has said he gives up the fight?

Love you too NonYaBiz