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Russia Launched Experimental IRBM Against Ukraine

See also
Ukraińcy twierdzą, że do dzisiejszego ataku rakietowego na ich kraj Rosjanie po raz pierwszy użyli międzykontynentalnego pocisku balistyczne

Ukrainians claim that for today's missile attack on their country, Russians used for the first time an intercontinental ballistic missile launched from the Astrakhan region.

Otherwise I just hope Trump might be seen as an insurance for Putin. Sure, this is likely made to scare people, but ugh, still. Just started to get worried.
BREAKING: There has been an "unprecedented explosion" in the city of Dnipro, with some describing it as "a triple detonation."

"The blast is said to have been incredibly powerful, causing significant shock waves. Residents are urged to stay indoors and follow emergency protocols." - LiftLabFitness

Apparently at least the footage is old. But augh... I'm just getting really anxious and I'm not sure if it's for no reason or not. I hope it is for no reason, but I don't want anything more stupid to happen, I'm 23 living pretty much smack dab in a city that very much would be hit with a nuke if things should happen.
⚡️Russia fires powerful intercontinental ballistic missile in attack on Ukraine⚡


“…regional governor Serhiy Lysak said the missile attack caused damage to an industrial enterprise and set off fires in Dnipro”

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Well one would think an ICBM plume from a launch would be picked up by NORAD so should be able to be confirmed eventually.
It was a conventional strike, let’s not make more of it than it is.
Sorry I missed your posts in this thread and was posting in ~Ukraine Long range.
You were first by a large margin. Thank you
Well one would think an ICBM plume from a launch would be picked up by NORAD so should be able to be confirmed eventually.
It was a conventional strike, let’s not make more of it than it is.
That's really good point. You would think our launch detection systems would pick up an ICBM launch. It's the only way to have a "launch on warning" doctrine. And in a launch on warning situation where the missiles have barely left their silos (or launch platforms), I cannot imagine it is easy to calculate its target. I would think that NORAD would have to "do something" if it detected the launch of an ICBM.

So I'll pose the following questions:
  1. Would the launch of a Russian ICBM have triggered some kind of action from NORAD that we would hear about?
  2. How would NORAD respond?
  3. If an ICBM was launched by Russia and NORAD did not detect it, does that pose any concerns for our early warning systems?
  4. Was an ICBM really used?
  5. If so, were we given advanced notification of its use to keep NORAD from overreacting?
  6. If an ICBM was used and we were not notified in advance, is it possible that the detected number used in the attack, the detected launch angle, or the detected launch platform was below some threshold where NORAD gets concerned?
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I can't confirm either way and won't post anything confirming anything either way until it is absolutely confirmed beyond a doubt.

Government officials from Russia or The West need to confirm, otherwise anyone else claiming one way or another I'm calling their 💩, awful lot of disinformation past couple days since the ATACMS announcement.

Updated title to reflect this. @DEFCON Warning System @RiffRaff @Irag8er
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Let's see if it is confirmed as an icbm. Not saying it is unlikely scenario considering situation.
But funny as if true. Nato and America must be confused on not detecting it. Than again if they did detect it, well imagine the anticipation of what the🤯😖. 🤣😂🤣. I would suggest the west deny it. Otherwise they look a bit useless and stupid unless tipped off. Which in all seriousness is highly likely considering the weapon, trajectory and target. Interesting situation for all if true.
Solo una idea, sea lo que fuere, era un arma poderosa. Tal vez el objetivo era Kiev y por eso cerraron la embajada por un día. ¿Había alguna amenaza implícita de los EE. UU. o la OTAN si atacaban la capital? Por eso, en lugar de atacar Kiev, atacaron otra ciudad. Bueno, en este punto, todo es especulación hasta que se disipe la niebla.

Just a thought, whatever it was, it was a powerful weapon. Maybe the target was kyiv and that's why they closed the embassy for a day. Was there some implicit threat from the USA or NATO if they attacked the capital? That's why, instead of attacking kyiv, they attacked another city. Well, at this point, it's all speculation until the fog clears.
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