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US🇺🇸 Under Siege --Palestinian Protests (&) Increases In Terrorism

Omg… I think they just attacked a @UCLA Vice Chancellor!?

Waiting to confirm @UCLA @UCLAchancellor

Credit - @allen4liberty

Will update with ID shortly (not sure what just happened -trying to verify)

The Rabbi there was assaulted as well right after the protest. @allen4liberty was present and said he saw as they threatened his life saying and smacked the phone out of his hand and yelled at him “go back to Poland”

Rabbi assault video updated: He is the Rabbi from the Chabad house. This new video also includes third party view of the students getting harrassed.

This is what supporting Palestinian cause looks like, take a deep look. Intimidation, violence, hate speech, and insighting violence against Jews and those who support their Jewish neighbors is what the majority of these lots do.
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This is genuinely blood-curling.

Hamas murdered 364 Jewish civilians at the Nova music festival - one of the worst terrorist massacres in modern history. And people in New York City actually celebrate the bloodshed with zombie like call-and-response chants defending the massacre
There was also a group of masked "protesters" on the subway calling out "Zionists" and ordering them off them off the train. I'm having trouble posting the link by its on Twitter, also in the NY Post. Very frightening.
There is currently a faction or portion of Conservative or MAGA who are hardcore isolationist. Almost to the point of taking positions that are in reality harmful to American interest.
It is a fine line a person or nation can take on when we should be involved in one form or the other in aggressive foreign affairs or protection of influence in any form.
It should be said they arrived here not by accident. The war on terrorism and all that has gone with it has made many Americans skeptical of the US foreign police over the last twenty years.

Listened to a an interview with Dan Bongino. He remarked that his mostly libertarian view of foreign policy has changed. He has come to acknowledge that unrestrained free trade while on the surface is good. But unrestrained free trade with a nation that intends to supplant you or do harm is simply foolish.
Letting China export millions of rubber ducks and cheap steel. So that the can build an ever expanding military including nuclear weapons was just stupid and a no go.

I say all that as a criticism of maga supporter’s who have adopted the mantra of 100% no US foreign influence projection or intervention.
The world is simply too small today to live by this standard.

The current foreign influence campaign going on in the US. The ongoing chine’s influence efforts in university business and political leaders is a perfect example of why the US needs to project power and influence abroad.
Everyone knows you can do more damage to an opponent if you catch them standing at ease, un-aware and un-prepared.
NEW: After distancing himself from leaked messages showing Columbia administrators mocking concerns about anti-Semitism, I reached out to see if the dean of Columbia College, Josef Sorett, would comment.

Rather than answer questions–or decline to comment–he called the police.

Sorett’s willingness to call the police to protect him from the press comes four years after he signed a 2020 faculty letter calling to “defund the NYPD by $1 billion.”
Here comes round #2....

Brace yourself for some serious campus craziness: This legal injunction will force many university presidents to protect access to Jewish students, which means doing something many have avoided--using law enforcement. So from the get go we will likely see major clashes between law enforcement and radical campus activists, with the backdrop of the presidential campaign.

There is also potential for unrest at the DNC convention.
The democrats are walking a fine line with the Palestinian faction, Waltz was a bone for them and it appears they have not been mollified by it.
There is also the problem with a hamstrung CPD and activist mayor. A youth population that is used to flash protest with an influx of out of town activist.
Could be ugly
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Thousands of Pro-Hxmas demonstrators march through NYC in a nationwide action, urging people to "travel by any means necessary."

Americans, what’s your thoughts with terror supporters roaming your streets?


Nothing, not because I condone it or that I disagree with their message and tactics.

I don’t feel anything because these universities and communities have coddled, encouraged and tolerated their actions.
Their fools and I simply don’t care about the problems they have caused.

The universities are in self-immolation and it is their own fault.
Nothing, not because I condone it or that I disagree with their message and tactics.

I don’t feel anything because these universities and communities have coddled, encouraged and tolerated their actions.
Their fools and I simply don’t care about the problems they have caused.

The universities are in self-immolation and it is their own fault.
Call it entropy!
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