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What are your preconditions to evacuate pior to SHTF crisis?

Any concerns about automobiles working following nuclear detonation?

My assumption is that EMP will disrupt electronics, and with most modern cars having advanced computer systems (particularly with EV and gasoline direct injection), I expect all of that to cease functioning correctly (if not completely) following a nuclear blast.
Any concerns about automobiles working following nuclear detonation?

My assumption is that EMP will disrupt electronics, and with most modern cars having advanced computer systems (particularly with EV and gasoline direct injection), I expect all of that to cease functioning correctly (if not completely) following a nuclear blast.
It's iffy. A federal research says no. But that was in the 90's... but cars can run just fine after being struck by lighting, usually. So I'm assuming most cars will work. Problem is gas doesn't last long. So only would be a year or two before all gas even stored is bad and all vehicles then rendered unless not to long after WWIII.

Even with fuel stabilizers won't be long after WWIII before gas is all gone as none is being created after such a event so vehicles will be useless unless you can make your vehicle run on homemade bio fuel you make yourself.
Some say that even computerized cars will start after the EMP effect wears off. Older, non-computerized cars (good luck finding those these days) will work.
Interesting, I have heard that removing the battery cables and waiting a bit before reattaching them MAY help bypass the fried components
and help in restarting the vehicle.
Some say that even computerized cars will start after the EMP effect wears off. Older, non-computerized cars (good luck finding those these days) will work.

I just did some very quick research on Wikipedia (take it for what it's worth), and found the following quote:

On cars​

An EMP would probably not affect most cars, despite modern cars' heavy use of electronics, because cars' electronic circuits and cabling are likely too short to be affected. In addition, cars' metallic frames provide some protection. However, even a small percentage of cars breaking down due to an electronic malfunction would cause traffic jams.

I think that healthy, physically fit people in their late-teens through mid- twenties will have the best chance of surviving the conditions afterwards. The rest of us, not so much.
I won't be evacuating, I'll be headed to work.
During the Cold War, government offices had to have meetings and write up how they would continue operations in the event of nuclear war. My dad was working for the unemployment office at the time. They were told that they'd be assigning people to grave digging details, rubble clearance, etc. My dad immediately got in trouble by asking his supervisor if he seriously thought anyone was going to be showing up for work the day after the bomb dropped?
It's iffy. A federal research says no. But that was in the 90's... but cars can run just fine after being struck by lighting, usually. So I'm assuming most cars will work. Problem is gas doesn't last long. So only would be a year or two before all gas even stored is bad and all vehicles then rendered unless not to long after WWIII.

Even with fuel stabilizers won't be long after WWIII before gas is all gone as none is being created after such a event so vehicles will be useless unless you can make your vehicle run on homemade bio fuel you make yourself.
That is why diesel is the way to go. Simpler to make biodiesel and get vegetable oils. Had an old diesel landcruiser BJ42 with a 3B diesel motor. Had run this on processed sunflower and peanut oil from crushed and processed seeds. Worked well and was also used in other farm vehicles. Was a crop not considered viable for commercial sale so other use was made of it. I will have to review the processing stage as this was done by my late cousin so I am unable to ask him. He would say a diesel can effectively be made to run off any light fuel oil. He was a commercial chemistry graduate so I never challenged his knowledge. He did work in the petrochemical industry when he was younger.

We were both getting long in the tooth so even if we survive the start of WW3 with the loss of medication and chronic health issues it would have been a risk. As the last man standing I realise that my health issues will probably lead to my demise and I know I am not alone there, I am sure many of the older members on this site will have the same issue. It is not WW3 that will kill us but loss of access to vital medications.
access to vital medications.
Two words, fish antibiotics. Same exact amoxicillin that they give humans just in different shape or rather not in pill form. Rather long shelf life. Can buy at ANY fish store in bulk. Great bugout essential IMO! ;)

For the sake of your life if you decide to get fish antibiotics you need to do the math and figure out how much you need to dose. To much antibiotics can be very toxic to humans and lead to death or make the illness worse. So figure out the amount of amoxicillin in the antibiotics and look up how much you need for your body weight per dosage. To much is dangerous!
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Fish antibiotics. Same exact amoxicillin that they give humans just in different form. Rather long shelf life. Can buy at ANY fish store in bulk. ;)
Speaking of antibiotics. Also been seeing if I can grow my own antibiotics? After all it is just fungus somthing you can grow. Maybe. Never looked into it but idea has been floating recently with current events.
That is why diesel is the way to go. Simpler to make biodiesel and get vegetable oils.
Yes and no. Ethanol is relatively easy to manufacture in North and South America. Older trucks/jeeps that have rebuilt engines with the correct seals can run on alcohol no problem. Newer vehicles run on E85 which stretches gasoline quite far. Now of course E85 will require access to a refinery as gas goes bad probably after 2 years with the best conditioners and stabilizers added.

Bio diesel is actually surprisingly easy to make so long as you have a supply of hydrogen(?) like methanol.

The vegetable oils and cooking fats are generally simple to procure and use.

I’m going both ways, hoping to have one or the other.

Honestly though in that kind of situation Truck are just going to call undue attention to you. Think about this: when you have one of (or only) functioning vehicles the local government WILL attempt to commandeer it.

If you are not ready to kill to keep it then it was a wasted effort. I know I not shooting my local deputy (or anyone) to keep a vehicle.

I’m counting on my horses. We have quarter horses, which are nice, compact sturdy horses that are low maintenance. They’re also quiet and they don’t have to be taken all the way into town. Anybody who tries to steal my horse it’s gonna be in for one a hell of surprise when I call him and he comes to me regardless of the riders input. 😎
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I suppose I would evac if we had solid evidence nukes where being moved within Russia or China. Maybe a border or otherwise skirmish occurring between Russia and any NATO member and I'd be outta here in heart beat. Can't see anything else making me budge. Maybe Russian military build up along any NATO members borders could do it for me.
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Cipro too.
Yes, that too!

Also want to note if people do get fish antibiotics for their bugout supplies PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY...

For the sake of your life you need to do the math and figure out how much you need to dose. To much antibiotics can be very toxic to humans and lead to death or make the illness worse. So figure out the amount of amoxicillin in the antibiotics and look up how much you need for your body weight per dosage. To much is dangerous!

So once you do the math, write it down and put the papper with dosage instructions you calculated again based off your weight in your bugout supplies. Critical!
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Also want to note if people do get fish antibiotics for their bugout supplies PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY...

For the sake of your life you need to do the math and figure out how much you need to dose. To much antibiotics can be very toxic to humans and lead to death or make the illness worse. So figure out the amount of amoxicillin in the antibiotics and look up how much you need for your body weight per dosage. To much is dangerous!

So once you do the math, write it down and put the papper with dosage instructions you calculated again based off your weight in your bugout supplies.
I’m assuming this is just a thought exercise. I happen to have several ponds with aerators, sprinklers, gates ect. My supplies are for my fish.

In an emergency following a disaster they might be an option, but dates and purity can be sketchy. Also as @DarkNoon stated the directions are not the same. You would need to know mg per kg’s and intervals for max blood saturation as well as length of treatment to ward of relapse and resistance.

All thing easy to find now, while your internet is working. Write it down in a notebook, yes real paper with a real pencil. Kids don’t try this at home….
Kids don’t try this at home….
Yes it is only for very last case scenario to use fish antibiotics, absolutely not recommended otherwise. VERY critcal you write down the dosage instructions you calculated yourself and keep it within your bugout supplies.
Speaking of antibiotics. Also been seeing if I can grow my own antibiotics? After all it is just fungus somthing you can grow. Maybe. Never looked into it but idea has been floating recently with current events.
My late father told me how he used to treat ear infections by plugging his ear with bread and pouring milk into it. I'm assuming that was a kind of moldy bread poultice -- basically primitive penicillin. That and mustard plasters should be fairly easy to duplicate. Moldy bread positives have been around since forever BUT I don't think they were ever taken orally? The mold might be good to treat infections topically but unless you get the exact right type it might be dangerous to ingest? My understanding is that there are toms of different kinds of mold and many are poisonous.
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