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November 2020


Deputy Director
Staff member
E4B Nightwatch call sign GRIM15 airborne 20 minutes ago.
USAF E4B Nightwatch GRIM15 airborne again over central CONUS as of 2 minutes ago.
Correction: Call sign is ORDER66, which is a sick and twisted reference by whoever assigned it.
5 E-6B Mercury aircraft currently airborne.Screenshot at 2020-11-06 15-09-43.png
A busy day!

1. N488CRA60693
US Army BRIO01
Bombardier Challenger 605 CL-600-2B16

2. YANK01, AE120C
Beech RC-12X Huron

3. YANK02, AE10DF, 92-13120
Beechcraft RC-12X Guardrail

4. US Global Hawk, UAV FORTE10, AE27A7, 04-2021

5. RAF
RRR7210, 43C38C, ZZ664
RC-135-W https://t.co/2wPWx0hqPh

US Army warching Belarus and Kaliningrad.

United States Army | Lasai Aviation LLC, BRIO01
United States Military
Bombardier Challenger 605 (CL-600-2B16

YANK01, AE120C
Beech RC-12X Huron

Reg.: 92-13120
Beechcraft RC-12X Guardrail https://t.co/wGB33qwckv
US Army watching Kaliningrad.

YANK01, Hex: AE120C
Reg.: 93-0701
Country: United States
Type code: BE20
Type: Beech RC-12X Huron

YANK02, Hex: AE10DF
Reg.: 92-13120
Country: United States
Type code: BE20
Type: Beechcraft RC-12X Guardrail https://t.co/r7EQtHaHY7